Flora-Matrix Infants

A liquid probiotic featuring evidence-based strains, with added vitamin D3, designed to optimize digestive and immune function in young children. Dairy-free and shelf-stable without the need for refrigeration.

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Infancy is a time for great discovery and growth, as young children gradually become intertwined with their surrounding environment. Not only are their brains and bodies developing, but the first few years of life are critical for the proper development of both digestive and immune function. Quite simply, these systems are the first line of defence against a new environment and all of the complex microbes that accompany it.

While there are many nutrients required for healthy immune regulation, such as zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C, it appears that the cross communication between the bacteria living in the human digestive tract and the many complex immune cells is even more important to ensure proper immune balance. There is a strong argument to be made that the positive impact of a healthy diet on the body’s immune function is actually in large part because of the positive modulation of the gut microbiome. Case in point, the risk for certain atopic conditions such as eczema and allergies may be positively manipulated through the use of specific probiotic strains in infancy. Specific probiotic strains have also been demonstrated to improve colic symptoms and reduce crying episodes in infants.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) and Bifidobacterium animalis (subsp. Lactis BB-12) (BB-12) are two of the most well-studied probiotic strains on the market with dozens of clinical trials either individually, in combination together or with other unique probiotic strains. For example, LGG has been studied in infants with successful improvements in areas of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, cow’s milk allergy, dental caries, prevention of otitis media, and overall infection risk. BB-12 has been studied for respiratory tract infection risk and atopic eczema treatment in infants, as well as constipation in adults. Together, these two powerful strains have been shown to help regulate blood sugars during pregnancy and prevent respiratory tract infections in Infants.

Flora-Matrix Infants by Cyto-Matrix offers specialized probiotic support by providing 1 billion colony-forming units of both LGG and BB-12 to ease colic and digestive distress as young children learn and grow. Specifically, Flora-Matrix Infants is designed to reduce crying episodes, relieve colic symptoms in breastfed babies such as crying, fussing and irritability.

Delivered in a medium-chain triglyceride base and with additional vitamin D3, Flora-Matrix Infants is available in a 10mL bottle to offer 50 servings per bottle. Shelf-stable without the need for refrigeration and certified dairy-free.

Flora-Matrix Infants belongs to the family of Flora-Matrix probiotics, each containing specialized strains for targeted results. Each Flora-Matrix probiotic contains unique strains with distinct activity and health benefits. These strains are individually selected and they are well-studied at validated dosages, ensuring focused clinical results without the need for excessive colony-forming units.

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